Church - Calendar

April 2026
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • SPARE a few minutes? why not CLICK on the TAKE 10 box > > > Watch a short video message, especially relevant for today
  • Perhaps you are looking for our latest sermons? You are welcome to listen or download a copy today You'll find many of our previous Christian messages here.
  • Join us this Sunday our morning service is at 10:45-12:00.
    We are located at: Rose Lane, at the corner of Mold Road, Mynydd Isa, Mold CH76UA
  • Why not leave a message in our Visitor-Book ? Just a simple word or two, perhaps mentioning your name and country We would love to hear from you.
  • Perhaps you've been looking for a new church to learn and worship with? We would love to welcome and meet with you and your family, please contact us today.

Our Sunday Services

Our Main Sunday Service is at 10:45 each week


Although we have an informal evening fellowship time on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 17:00 hrs (see below), our main Service is every Sunday morning at 10:45.


We are a small church which makes our Sunday morning service friendly and relaxed. We love to meet visitors, whether they are familiar or not with 'going to church'. Everyone is welcome!


The service is bright and cheerful, the purpose being to praise God and to thank Him for the Gospel (the good news) of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.


The service normally lasts for around one hour. We sing three or four hymns - both modern and traditional. If they are familiar to you, you can of course join in with the singing.

We'll normally have a short Bible reading and our minister, or one of our church leaders will speak and explain their understanding of the particular Bible verses that have been read. The Christian Gospel message is always proclaimed and explained. Occasionally, we have visiting Christian speakers.


On the first Sunday morning of each month we extend our service to include a short Communion service by perhaps ten minutes.


After the service we enjoy tea, coffee and light refreshments... and a chat! You are very welcome to join with us. You won't be expected to do or say anything... just come as you are!


Our 1st Wednesday Fellowship Meeting

At 14:00 - 15:30 hrs 1st Wednesday afternoon of each month.


Bible Study & Prayer

Normally each Thursday Evening 19:30-20:30


Thursday Evening is our Bible Study and Prayer meeting.


One part of the meeting is when our minister or occasionally one of our elders, present their understanding of a certain passage from the Bible and those in attendance are encouraged to add in discussion.


The Prayer-time may sometimes precede the Bible Study and usually consists of those attending, if they wish to, to pray openly as thy feel led by the Holy Spirit. The church believes the Power of prayer is so important in the life and spiritual growth of the church.


The Ladies Guild

Tuesday Afternoons 15:00-16:00 (3-4 pm)
All ladies are invited to The Guild in a relaxed informal atmosphere.

This is usually a bright, cheerful time, when the ladies chat and share their blessings, their prayers and encourage one another.

Several ladies who attend may also attend other activities connected with other churches in the locality. The afternoon will always include a cup of tea, coffee and biscuits.

Over the cold-winter and busy-summer periods the Guild will close.


The Gospel Message

Click on this icon below to play the video


The video explains how that although fundamentally sinful, through the Gift of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we can experience forgiveness and gain a real meaning and purpose in life.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Village Temple is...



To bring worship and thanksgiving to Almighty God for His gospel of salvation by grace made possible through the sacrificial death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ...

To seek the wisdom and will of Almighty God through the unity of prayer and Bible study guided by the Holy Spirit...

To promote the Gospel of Grace within our community in which the Lord has placed us, by means of preaching, literature distribution, personal witness and compassionate concern...

To give prayerful and financial support to designated missionary organisations and relief agencies... To develop and encourage fellowship with like-minded believers in the Gospel of Grace.

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Christianity Explored

Click on this icon below to play the video

Christianity Explored is a way which helps us to share the best news ever heard... and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.

Over 7 sessions in Mark's Gospel, you can find out more about the life of the Person at the heart of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ.

Please contact us to find out more.

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Just for the children

Click on the image below

A Bible story for all ages!

Our Mission in Our Community

To bring worship and thanksgiving to Almighty God for His gospel of salvation by grace made possible through the sacrificial death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ...

To seek the wisdom and will of Almighty God through the unity of prayer and Bible study guided by the Holy Spirit...

To promote the Gospel of Grace within our community in which the Lord has placed us, by means of preaching, literature distribution, personal witness and compassionate concern...

To give prayerful and financial support to designated missionary organisations and relief agencies...

To develop and encourage fellowship with like-minded believers in the Gospel of Grace.

Learn More About Us

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Pastor's Meditations


Our previous Website
“We would love you to join with us and to give praise and worship to God our Father and to His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ ”

Meet Our Leaders

Pastor Stephen Dunning Pastor from 2016 until 2023
Russell Taylor Elder for several years
Andrew Cook Elder for several years
Our pastor Stephen has recently decided to move on into the next phase of his life into which he believes God will lead him. We have been truly blessed and we thank Stephen and his wife Pat for their ministry in our church for the last 7 years. We, as a church are currently looking to God for His help and guidance, and for the provision of pastoral help. Meanwhile we thank God for the way in which our friends from other local evangelical churches have offered and provided help and support.

Andrew and Russell have been our church elders for many years. Andrew's background is in insurance covering the farming communities of Cheshire an to move on to the next d for several years led our church's Sunday School and young people's work. Russell's background reaches back to the local steel industry, before being involved in the outreach of The Emmaus Bible School in Eastham, Wirral. In recent years, Russell has assisted in the work of GBS Christian Radio based in Birkenhead.

The church currently has three deacons, Helen, Sue, and Chris, who support Stephen, Russell and Andrew, and have certain designated responsibilities. However, several members support in many ways and regularly take on other day-to-day tasks and the organising of various church events.

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Get In Touch

  • The Village Temple Congregational Church
  • Rose Lane, Mynydd Isa,
    Mold, Flintshire, CH76UA
  • 07507-392391 (Secretary)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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